I really enjoy the summer time, it is my favorite season. I can have outdoor activity with my family. Almost every weekend we go to the park for a walk or to ride bicycles.
I love cook barbecue ( Brazilian Churrasco!), the summer is a perfect time.
I don't have a big family. I have one sister and one brother. My sister Rosana lives in Spain, Zaragoza city. She has 3 children, Ettore, Giovanna and Vicenzo.
My mother, Ana Maria and my special brother Junior, Who lives with her.
My father lives in Brazil, Recife city with my stepmother and my little brother Felipe.
I love and miss my family very much.
My son Gabriel was my first child. I will never forget the day he was born, it was very special for me...Gabriel is beautiful, he has big dark brown eyes and fair skin. It gives him an unusual appearance. He starts school in August and will be in the 1st grade.
Gabriel girlfriend!
Him is so funny!
Last winter.
Brianna is my second child, she is so adorable!
Her hair is very long and she is so petite.
Brianna is very funny, her language is unique. She creates new words every week, the first one is for her name "MIMI", other words:
TIPITI for butter
PIPI for mayonnaise
IEIEL for Gabriel
LOLOLOLO for bugs
CHOCO fro chocolate
MAMA for milk
SPATI for soda
VRUM VRUM for car
Just mom, dad and her brother can translate her words.
This is not Portuguese or English, it is just Brianna's words!
Create your own family sticker graphic at pYzam.com
Em Agosto vou fazer 10 anos que estou casada com um maravilhoso esposo. Trocamos cartas por 3 anos enquanto estavamos fazendo um trabalho missionario. Quando nos casamos ficamos morando em Indaiatuba(SP) por 3 anos e meio. Mudamos para Salt Lake City (Utah) e residimos aqui por 8 anos. Temos dois anjinhos, Gabriel de 5 anos e Brianna de 3.
Comecei a fazer scrapbook a 5 anos, quando estava gravida do Gabriel. Ao passar dos anos fui aprimorando-me a cada dia nesta arte. Dois anos atras resolvi fazer para outras pessoas tambem, coloquei no Ebay paginas e albums. Fui convidada para fazer parte de um grupo de mulheres que amam scrapbooking tambem. O nosso grupo chama-se POCKET FULL OF PAPER.
These are such beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful Children, Beautiful Blog!
Love your blog Juliana! It looks so fantastic and is fun to read. My DH served part of his mission in Moab. It's so pretty there. Your children are darling. I love the made up words. My litte Aaron is 3 and does the same thing.
You have such a beautiful family. I love the fun pictures of the kids. :)
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